Blue Shark in support of the documentary dedicated to Gigi Riva

Preview of the docufilm on Gigi Riva at the Cinema Odissea in Cagliari


In the great hall of Cagliari’s Cinema Odissea, packed with local and national journalists, the premiere of ‘Nel nostro cielo un rombo di tuono’, by Riccardo Milani, the author of great public and critical successes such as ‘Benvenuto presidente!’, was held. For the first time, he managed to convince Gigi Riva to participate in a work that tells his existential and football story, also offering us a glimpse of our collective history.

“Nel nostro Cielo un Rombo di Tuono” is produced by Wildside, Vision Distribution, in collaboration with Sky and with the support of the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, the Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission of the Regione Sardegna, the Municipality of Cagliari, the Fondazione di Sardegna and Cagliari Calcio. Co-marketing by Silvio Carta, Blue Shark di Marco Isola, Unipol Group, Ferraguti Group.


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